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The order Passeriformes includes more than half of all bird species. Sometimes known as perching birds or, less accurately, as songbirds, the passerines form one of the most diverse terrestrial vertebrate orders; with over 5,000 identified species, it has roughly twice as many species as the largest of the mammal orders, the Rodentia.

For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry.

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New World oriole.JPG American yellow warbler Superb Fairywren.jpg Australasian wrens Australian magpie.jpgAustralian magpie New World warbler.JPGBaltimore oriole
Kaiyodo birdtales1 hirundorustica 2.jpgBarn swallow Bewick's Wren.jpg Bewick's wren Birds-of-paradise Bohemian Waxwing.jpgBohemian waxwing
Kaiyodo birdtales1 laniusbucephalus 2.jpgBull-headed shrike Northern Cardinal.JPG Cardinals Common Raven.JPG Crows, jays and allies Gouldian Finch.JPG Estrildid finches
Atlantic Canary.JPG Finches Kaiyodo Birdtales Series 3 Goldcrest 1.jpgGoldcrest Great reed warbler YowieAus2GreyFantail.JPGGrey fantail
YowiesAUS forgottenfriendsA 12hawaianoo1.JPGHawaiʻi ʻōʻō Hooded pitohui.jpg Hooded pitohui Huia Kaiyodo Birdtales Series 1 Japanese paradise flycatcher2.JPGJapanese paradise flycatcher
Kaiyodo Birdtales Series 1 Japanese bush warbler 2.jpgJapanese bush warbler Elastolin Lyrebird 1.JPG Lyrebirds Kaiyodo ChocoQ Series 8 Titmouse Chickadee Version B 3.JPGLong-tailed tit YowiesAUS series7 14peewee1.JPG Magpie-lark
YowiesAUS forgottenfriendsB 15stephenislandwren.JPG New Zealand wrens Safari150329Face.JPGNorthern mockingbird European robin.JPG Old World flycatchers KitanNAJ03Sparrow2.JPG Old World sparrows
Oxpeckers Indian Pitta.jpg Pittas YowiesAUS series2 regentbowerbird 1.JPG Regent bowerbird Rothschild's Mynah.jpg Starlings
Eurasian blue tit.JPG Tits American Robin.JPG Thrush Tui Western house martin
797px-Eikoh75392Whiteeye1.JPG White-eyes Woodpecker Finch.JPGWoodpecker finch

Unidentified passerines