Yowies Lost Kingdom 10 Deltasaurus

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Animal Deltasaurus The text of the paper insert for this figure reads:

"Scientific Name: Deltasaurus kimberleyensis Pronounced: del-ta-saw-rus kim-ber-lee-en-sis
Type of Animal: Amphibian Period: Triassic (245-210 million years ago)

Deltasaurus was an amphibian that belonged to an extinct group of animals called temnospondyls. It was a predator, with a wide mouth and dozens of sharp teeth. Deltasaurus lived in swamps and rivers, probably feeding by ambushing smaller amphibians as well as fish. It seems to have had very good hearing, so it might have spent some of its time out of the water."

Maker Yowies
Series Yowies Series Lost Kingdom Series B
Color blue, white spots
Product Number 10
Availability discontinued
Released 2001
