Mole salamander

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The mole salamanders (genus Ambystoma) are a group of salamanders endemic to North America, the only genus in the family Ambystomatidae. The group has become famous due to the presence of the axolotl (A. mexicanum), widely used in research, and the tiger salamander (A. tigrinum, A. mavortium) which is the official amphibian of many states, and often sold as a pet. Terrestrial mole salamanders are identified by having wide, protruding eyes, prominent costal grooves, and thick arms. Most have vivid patterning on dark backgrounds, with marks ranging from deep blue spots to large yellow bars depending on the species.

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ToyMany Cold blood Axolotl 1.jpg Axolotl Blue-spotted salamander California-tiger-salamander.jpgCalifornia tiger salamander Long-toed salamander.jpg Long-toed salamander
Marbled salamander.jpg Marbled salamander Spotted salamander.jpg Spotted salamander K&MTigerSalamanderT.jpg Tiger salamander