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Duck is the common name for a large number of species in the Anatidae family of birds, which also includes swans and geese. Ducks are mostly aquatic birds, mostly smaller than the swans and geese, and may be found in both fresh water and sea water.

For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry.

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Domestic Duck.JPGDomestic duck Domestic Muscovy duck Domestic Muscovy duck American Black Duck.JPGAmerican black duck
American-wigeon.jpgAmerican wigeon YowiesAUS forgottenfriendsB 11aucklandislandsmerganser1a.JPGAuckland Islands merganser YowiesAUS series3 australianwoodduch.JPG Australian wood duck
YowiesAUS series7 29bluebilledduck1a.JPG Blue-billed duck AAA duckssmall bluewingedteal(loon)1a.jpgBlue-winged teal Bufflehead.jpg Bufflehead
Chestnut Teal.jpgChestnut teal Common shelduck.jpgCommon shelduck AAA duckssmall commongoldeneye 1.jpgCommon goldeneye
Rested shellduck.jpgCrested shelduck Eikoh75393Duck.JPG Eastern spot-billed duck Falcated Duck.JPGFalcated duck
AAA duckssmall greenwingedteal(bluewingedteal)1a.jpgGreen-winged teal AAA duckssmall hoodedmerganser1a.jpgHooded merganser YowiesAUS forgottenfriendsA 24labradorduck1a.JPGLabrador duck
Mallard Duck.jpgMallard Mandarin Duck.jpgMandarin duck AAA duckssmall northernpintail(pintailpilet)1a.jpgNorthern pintail
YowiesAUS forgottenfriendsA 10pinkheadedduck1a.JPGPink-headed duck Smew.jpgSmew Tufted Duck.jpgTufted duck
Wood Duck.JPGWood duck