Common shelduck

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phylum Chordata The common shelduck,a waterfowl species of the shelduck genus, is widespread and common in the Euro-Siberian region of the Palearctic, mainly breeding in temperate and wintering in subtropical regions; in winter, it can also be found in the Maghreb.

The common shelduck resembles a small short-necked goose in size and shape. It is a striking bird, with a reddish-pink bill, pink feet, a white body with chestnut patches and a black belly, and a dark green head and neck. The wing coverts are white, the primary remiges black, and the secondaries green (only showing in flight) and chestnut.

For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry.

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clade Diapsida
Class Aves
order Anseriformes
family Anatidae
genus Tadorna
species T. tadorna