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01. Hairy Nosed Wombat
02. Blue Spotted Fantail Ray
03. Giant Cuttlefish
04. Red Tailed Black Cockatoo
05. Major Mitchell's Cockatoo
06. Weigel's Toad
07. Leichardt Grasshopper
08. Potato Cod
09. Mangrove Monitor
10. Western Black Striped Snake
11. Centipede
12. Scorpion
13. Greengrocer Cicada
14. Golden Stag Beetle
15. Ringed Pipe Fish
16. Peacock Jewel Moth
17. Sawshark
18. Eastern Spiny Gunnard
19. Yellow Bellied Sea Snake
20. Royal Spoonbill
21. Azure Kingfisher
22. Soldier Crab
23. Elephant Seal
24. Katydid
25. Cairns Birdwing Butterfly
26. Masked Lapwing
27. Weedy Sea-Dragon
28. Yellow-Footed Rock Wallaby
29. Blue-Ringed Octopus
30. Eurasian Coot
31. White Sea Horse
32. Semi Looper Moth
33. Splendid Fairy-Wren
34. Eastern Blue Devil Fish
35. Brush Tailed Phascogale
36. Mantis Shrimp
37. Cowfish
38. Flower Spider
39. Cockatiel
40. Australian Brush Turkey
41. Nudibranch
42. Australian Wood Duck
43. Black & White Tiger Moth
44. Jeweled Gecko
45. Sea Cucumber
46. Kea
47. Purple Swamp Hen
48. Leopard Shark
49. Sacred Ibis
50. Praying Mantis