Yellowfin Goby

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phylum Chordata Yellowfin goby is native to Asia but it has spread beyond its native range to become an introduced, and often invasive, species. It has been recorded in Australia, Mexico, and Florida and California in the United States. This fish reaches 25 to 30 centimeters in length. It is light brown with darker saddle-marks and spots. The ventral fins are yellow. These fins are fused to form a cup. There are two dorsal fins. The species can be identified by the arrangement of pores on its head, the spines and rays in the dorsal fins, and the scales and papillae on the head and face. The yellow ventral fins also distinguish it from other gobies.

For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry.

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class Actinopterygii
order Perciformes
family Gobiidae
species Acanthogobius
species A. flavimanus