Wild Republic Nature Tubes

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Extensive series of tubes with small pvc animal figurines.
These tubes have changed their packaging starting with hard plastic classic tube shape (#cylindrical), meanwhile they changed to soft plastic containers lined with fabric and opened with zipper (#window bag). Since 2013, these tubes are available sold with playmats (#Playmat).

# Playmat # Window bag #Cylindrical Name Released
#12754 #84215 TU12AFR African Nature Tube 1997
#12755 #84236 TU12RF Rainforest Tube 1998
TU12AQ10 Aquatic Nature Tube 1994
#12756 TU12DINS30 Dinosaurs Tube 2000
#12756 Dinosaur Nature Tube
#12757 #84224 #63627 Sharks Tube 1999
#12758 #84234 TU12ACC Wilderness Nature Tube 1998
#12879 Aquatic in Nature Tube
#12881 Neon Aquatic Tube
#12882 Bright Animal Babies Tube
#12883 #84222 TU12FARM09 Farm Nature Tube 2000
#12884 #84225 #53550 Snakes Tube 2004
#12885 #64146 Animal Babies Tube Bef. 2004
#12886 #84223 TU12INS11 Insects Tube Bef. 2004
#63243 Horses Tube Before 2004
#12887 Horse Nature Tube After 2004
#12888 #84235 Polar Tube 2005
#12889 #84218 #53538 Butterflies Tube 2004
#84232 Dog Nature Tube 2005
#12892 Frogs Tube 2007
#12893 #63308 River Tube 2000
#12894 #63506 Big Cats Nature Tube
#12895 #87272 River Otter Tube 2009
#12896 #84221 TU12END Endangered Species Nature Tube Bef. 2004
#13040 Panda Tube
#14405 Glow-in-the-Dark Dinosaurs Tube
#21668 African Animal Family Nature Tube
#23496 Australia's Deadliest Nature Tube
#83598 Garden Tube 2006
#83759 Tropical Animals Nature Tube
#84060 Natural History Museum Ice Age Tube 2006
#84216 Aquatic Tube 2010
#84217 #53533 Australian Animal Down Under Nature Tube 2004
#84219 #TU12CORAL Coral Reef Tube 1994
#84220 Natural History Museum Dinosaurs Tube
#84226 TU12ZOO560 Zoo Tube 2000
#84227 #53541 Asian Mountain Tube 2004
#84231 Desert Tube
#84345 Canadian Wildlife Tube 2007
#85679 Madagascar Nature Tube 2007
#12890 #87352 Paws & Claws Dogs Tube 2011
#20821? Pets Nature Tube 2018?
#20858 Penguins Nature Tube 2018?
#87354 Paws & Claws Cats Tube 2005
#89383 Bright Animals Tube
American Garden Tube 2006
AZA Tube 1998
#63152 Cat Tube 1998?, 2005?
#63169 Dog Tube 1998?, 2005?
#63193 European Nature Tube 1998
#TU12KELP Kelp Forest Tube 1997
#63028 Primates Tube 1998
#63183 Birds of Prey Tube 2000
#63312 Congo Adventure Tube 2000
#63427 Record Breakers Adventure Tube 2000
#64131 Great Barrier Reef Tube Bef. 2004
#TMT-TU12ACC North American Adventure Tube 1994
#TMT-TU12RF Rainforest Adventure Tube 1994
Venomous Adventure Tube 1998

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