Starlux ZOO Series 2

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Number Photo Name Released Retired Notes
1701 Starlux African bush elephant.jpg African elephant, grey 1960 Marketed as:
Eléphant d'Afrique gris
1701bis Noimage.jpg African elephant, white 1960? Marketed as:
Eléphant d'Afrique blanc
1702 Starlux trumpetting Asian elephant 1.jpg Asian elephant, grey 1960 Marketed as:
Eléphant d'Afrique gris
1702bis Starlux white Asian elephant.jpg Asian elephant, white 1960? Marketed as:
Eléphant d'Afrique blanc
1703 Starlux Giraffe 1.jpg Giraffe, large 1967 Marketed as:
Girafe G.M.
1704 Starlux1704.jpg Crocodile, large 1967 Marketed as:
Crocodile G.M.
1705 Starlux Apes with tree 2.jpg 2 apes in a tree 1967 Marketed as:
2 singes 1 arbre (sous sachet)
1706 Noimage.jpg Parrots and Cockatoos Perched Marketed as:
Perroquets et cacatoès sur perchoir (sous sachet)