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The Sparidae are a family of fish in the order Perciformes, commonly called sea breams and porgies. The sheepshead, scup, and red seabream are species in this family. They are found in shallow temperate and tropical waters and are bottom-dwelling carnivores. Most species possess grinding, molar-like teeth.

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Blackhead seabream

phylum Chordata Acanthopagrus schlegelii, commonly known as the blackhead seabream, Japanese black porgy, or sea bream, is a fish often farmed for food in Japan. The body is ovoid and compressed, and its streamlined body makes it a fast swimmer. The mouth is small, terminal, and with many incisor-like canines. It is an aggressive predator. The dorsal fin has 10 to 12 spines and 10 to 15 soft rays, which are used for offence and defence.

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class Actinopterygii
order Perciformes
family Sparidae
species Acanthopagrus schlegelii

Red seabream

phylum Chordata Red seabream is a fish species in the Sparidae family. It is widespread in the Northwest Pacific from the northeastern part of South China Sea (Philippines excluded) northward to Japan. It is a marine subtropical oceanodromous demersal fish.

For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry.

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class Actinopterygii
order Perciformes
family Sparidae
species Pagrus major