Schleich Classics

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Most Classics are earlier series of smaller animals. However last ones were made at the same time as the more modern ones, and some of the designs can be recognized in both series.

The early ones had a more cartoon-like style to them.

Schleich Classics 1960'S

Number English Name German Name Introduced Discontinued Notes
301-1 Sea lion male Seelöwen-Männchen 1965 1991 Same as 12001
301-2 Sea lion female Seelöwen-Weibchen 1965 1991 Same as 12070
301-3 Sea lion Pup Seelöwen-Baby 1965 1991
304 Elephant Elefant "Jumbo" 1965 1991 Same as 12005
12002 Dolphin Delfin 1965 1991 Same as 12002
307-1 Penguin Male Pinguin-Männchen 1965 1991 Head points up, same as 12003
307-2 Penguin Female Pinguin-Weibchen 1965 1991 Head points to the side, same as 12003
307-3 Penguin Baby Pinguin-Baby 1965 1991 Head points to the side, smaller size of the female
308 Pelican Pelikan 1965 1991 Same as 12004
309 Rabbit brown Hase braun 1965 1991 Same as 12201
351-1 Rooster 1 Hahn 1965 1991 Head stretched up
351-2 Rooster 2 Hahn 1965 1991
351-3 Hen with Nest Huhn mit Nest 1965 1991
351-4 Hen 1 Huhn 1 1965 1991 Head stretched up
351-5 Hen 2 Huhn 2 1965 1991
351-6 Hen Pecking Huhn pickend 1965 1991
351-7 Hen Wings Out Huhn Flügel ausgebreitet 1965 1991
351-8 Chick Hühnerküken 1965 1991
352-1 Boar Eber 1965 1991
352-2 Sow Schwein 1965 1991
352-3 Piglet 1 Ferkel 1 1965 1991
352-4 Piglet 2 Ferkel 2 1965 1991
352-5 Piglet 3 Ferkel 3 1965 1991
354-1 Duck Eating Ente fressend 1965 1991 In both white and yellow
354-2 Duck Head Up Ente stehend 1965 1991 In both white and yellow
354-3 Duck Standing Ente stehend 1965 1991 In both white and yellow
354-4 Duck Sitting Ente sitzend 1965 1991 In both white and yellow
354-5 Duck Grooming Ente putzend 1965 1991 In both white and yellow
354-6 Duckling 1 Entenküken 1965 1991 In both white and yellow
354-7 Duckling 2 Entenküken 1965 1991 In both white and yellow
354-8 Duckling 3 Entenküken 1965 1991 In both white and yellow
354-9 Duckling 4 Entenküken 1965 1991 In both white and yellow
359 Poodle Black Pudel schwarz 1965 1991
365 Boxer Boxer 1965 1991 Same as 12501
366 Fox Terrier Fox 1965 1991
367 Cat with long tail Katze 1965 ?
379 Seagull Möwe 1965 ?

Schleich Classics Wild Animals 1979-1991


Number English Name German Name Introduced Discontinued
12006 Giraffe Giraffe 1979 1991
12007 Tiger Tiger 1979 1991
12008 Lion Löwe 1979 1991
12009 Gorilla Gorilla 1979 1991
12010 Ostrich Strauß 1979 1991
12011 Zebra Zebra 1979 1991
12012 Crocodile Krokodil 1979 1991
12013 Camel Kamel 1979 1991
12014 Bison Bison 1979 1991
12015 Rhinoceros Nashorn 1979 1991
12016 Hippopotamus Nilpferd 1979 1991
12017 Anteater Ameisenbär 1979 1991
12018 Brown Bear Braunbär 1979 1991
12019 Polar Bear Eisbär 1982 1991
12020 Moose Elch 1979 1991
12021 Ibex Steinbock 1979 1991
12022 Monkey "Judy" Affe "Judy" 1979 1991
12023 Tortoise Riesenscgildkröte 1979 1991

Schleich Classics 1990s

Number English Name German Name Introduced Discontinued
12061 Rhinoceros Nashorn 1990 1994
12062 Lion Löwe 1990 1994
12063 Tiger Tiger 1990 1994
12063 Tiger, white Tiger ? ?
12064 Giraffe Giraffe 1990 1994
12065 Camel Kamel 1990 1994
12066 Orangutan Orang Otan 1990 1994
12067 Elephant Elefant 1991 1994
12068 Crocodile Krokodil 1991 1994
12069 Polar Bear Eisbär 1991 1994
12070 Sea Lion Female Seelöwenweibchen 1993 1994

Schleich Classics Early Farm Animals

Number English Name German Name Introduced Discontinued
12201 Rabbit brown Hase braun 1965 1991
12202 Rabbit white Hase weiß 1979 1991
One of set of 4 no 461 Schleich one of the set no 461, Cat Licking her Fur Katze Putzend 1975 ? Extremely rare
12203 Schleich 12203 Cat sitting Katze sitzend 1975 1991
12204 Schleich 12204 White/black Cat walking Katze laufend first variation ? Extremely rare
12204 Schleich 12204 Cat walking Katze laufend 1975 1991
12205 Schleich 12205 Cat stretching Katze buckelnd 1975 1991
12206 Boar Eber 1979 1991
12207 Sow Mutterschwein 1979 1991
12208 Cow lying brown Kuh liegend braun 1979 1991
12209 Cow lying white Kuh liegend weiß 1979 1991
12210 Cow grazing brown Kuh grasend braun 1979 1991
12211 Cow grazing white Kuh grasend weiß 1979 1991
12212 Donkey Esel 1979 1991
12213 Donkey foal Eselfohlen 1979 1991
12214 Steer Stier 1979 1991
12215 Cow standing brown Kuh stehend braun 1979 1991
12216 Cow standing white Kuh stehend weiß 1979 1991
12217 Calf Klab 1979 1991
12218 Sheep white Schaf weiß 1979 1991
12219 Sheep grey Schaf grau 1982 1991
12220 Goat Ziege 1979 1991
12221 Lamb left Lämmchen links 1979 1991
12222 Lamb right Lämmchen rechts 1979 1991
12223 Goat Kid Ziegenböckle 1982 1991
12223-1 Goat Kid, Brown Ziegenböckle, Braun 1982 1991

Schleich Classics Medium Large Farm Series

These lovly models were only made from 1992-94.

Perhaps the similar, but much larger "modern" models sold better. They were made from the same period, and continued for many years.

Schleichclas medium farm.JPG

Sheep 13283 from 2003 ( right) shows the size .

Number English Name German Name Introduced Discontinued
12224 Pig Schwein 1992 1994
12225 Boar Eber 1992 1994
12226 Donkey Esel 1992 1994
12227 Cow, brown grazing Kuh braun grasend 1992 1994
12228 Cow black and white Kuh schwartz-weiß 1992 1994
12229 Bull black and white Bulle schwartz-weiß 1992 1994
12230 Horse Brown Pferd Braun 1992 1994
12231 Horse White Rearing Pferd Weiß, steigend 1992 1994
12232 Sheep Schaf 1993 1994
12233 German Shepherd Schäferhund 1993 1994

Schleich Classics Horse Series


Horse to the right is the Trakehner Stallion 13756 from 2014, for size comparison.

These neat models were made 1975-1991,several years into the period of the larger horse models.

The mold of the rearing, black horse was used for the white horse no 12231 in the classics farm-series from 1992-1994.

Number English Name German Name Introduced Discontinued
12401 Farm horse black Ackergaul schwarz 1975 1991
12402 Farm horse brown Ackergaul braun 1975 1991
12403 Foal black Fohlen schwarz 1975 1991
12404 Foal brown Fohlen braun 1975 1991
12405 Haflinger grey Haflinger grau 1975 1991
12406 Haflinger brown Haflinger braun 1975 1991
12407 Riding horse black Reitpferd schwarz 1975 1991
12408 Riding horse white Reitpferd weiß 1975 1991
12409 Dressage horse white Dressurpferd weiß 1975 1991
12410 Dressage horse brown Dressurpferd braun 1975 1991
12411 Horse rearing black Pferd steigend schwarz 1975 1991

Schleich Classics Dog Series

Number English Name German Name Introduced Discontinued
2000 Dog House Hundehütte ? ?
12501 Boxer Boxer 1965 1991
12502 Wire-haired Dachshund brown Rauhhaardackel braun 1982 1991
12503 Wire-haired Dachshund grey Rauhhaardackel grau 1982 1991
12504 Poodle white Pudel weiß 1982 1991
12505 Poodle black Pudel schwarz 1982 1991
12506 German Shepherd Schäferhund 1982 1991
12507 Bulldog light Bulldoge hell 1982 1991
12508 Bulldog dark Bulldoge dunkel 1982 1991
12509 Collie Collie 1982 1991
12510 Hunting dog Jagdhund 1982 1991

Schleich Classics Prehistorics

The first Schleich prehistoric models were made in 1979.

They were small, unicolour models, as often seen at that time :


From 1990 to 1994, the same models were made with more, but still subdued colours :


The oldest models (left) had less brilliant colours than the later ones :


The oldest models have the round logo with a "biegefigur", while the newer one have either "Schleich" written on them, or just the circle with an "S" inside :


Number English Name German Name Introduced Discontinued
12601 Armoured Dinosaur, Unpainted Panzersaurier 1982 1990
12602 Crested Dinosaur, Unpainted Kammsaurier 1982 1990
12603 Tyrannosaur, Unpainted Königsaurier 1982 1990
12604 Ceratopsian Dinosaur, Unpainted Kragensaurier 1982 1990
12605 Spiked Dinosaur, Unpainted Stachelsaurier 1982 1990
12606 Stegosaur, Unpainted Stegsaurier 1982 1990
12607 Early Dinosaur, Unpainted Ursaurier 1982 1990
12608 Early bird, Unpainted Urvogel 1982 1990
12609 Mammoth, Unpainted Mammut 1982 1990
12610 Swimming Dinosaur, Unpainted Schwimmsaurier 1982 1990
12621 Stegochelys Stegochelys 1990 1994
12622 Scelidosaurus Scelidosaurus 1990 1994
12623 Tyrannosaurus rex Tyrannosaurus rex 1990 1994
12624 Triceratops Triceratops 1990 1994
12625 Euoplocephalus Euoplocephalus 1990 1994
12626 Stegosaurus Stegosaurus 1990 1994
12627 Diplodocus Diplodocus 1990 1994
12628 Emeus Emeus 1990 1994
12629 Mammoth Mammut 1990 1994
12630 Plesiosaurus Plesiosaurus 1990 1994

Schleich Classics Sea Life Series

For a short time, Schleich sold several small (6-7cm) AAA-made sea life figurines under the Schleich Classics Sea Life brand.

Number English Name German Name Introduced Discontinued
16021 Humpback Whale Whal 1991 1992
16022 Right Whale 1991 1992
16023 Sperm Whale Pottwal 1991 1992
16024 Orca Killerwal 1991 1992
16025 Blue Whale Blauwal 1991 1992
16026 Dolphin Delfin 1991 1992
16027 Tiger Shark 1991 1992
16028 Harp Seal Heuler baby seal 1991 1992
16029 Sea Lion Seelowe 1991 1992
1630 Walrus Walroß 1991 1992
16031 Sea Lion pup 1991 1992
16032 Manatee 1991 1992

Schleich Cute Creatures - Die Kleinen

In 1996 a series of 8 models of little wild animals was launched.

They are made from a soft, rubbery material. The paintwork does not stick well to them, and that may be the reason they were only made for 2 years.

They are not shown in the cataloge from 1996 , but in the cataloge from 1997 they are shown as part of a series called "Die Kleinen" ( The little ones):

Diekleinen scan.jpg

Apart from these first 8 models, "Die Kleinen" consists of small babies and very cartoonish animal models, which are not listed in this Wikipedia.

Number English Name German Name Introduced Discontinued
12901 Elephant Elefant 1996 1997
12902 Tiger Tiger 1996 1997
12903 Camel Kamel 1996 1997
12904 Brown bear Braunbär 1996 1997
12905 Polar bear Eisbär 1996 1997
12906 Giraffe Giraffe 1996 1997
12907 Lion Löwe 1996 1997
12908 Rhinoceros Nashorn 1996 1997

Schleich Large Classics

Number English Name German Name Introduced Discontinued
12650-1 Panda Sitting Panda Sitzend 1982 1986
12650-2 Panda Lying Panda Liegend 1982 1986
14001 Giraffe Giraffe 1982 1988
14002 Tiger Tiger 1982 1988
14003 Hippo Nilpferd 1982 1988
14004 Lion Löwe 1982 1988
14005 Rhino Nashorn 1982 1988
14006 Elephant Elephant 1982 1988
14006b Elephant, Ears out Elephant ? ?
14007 Gorilla Gorilla 1982 1988
14008 Polar Bear Eisbär 1982 1988
14009 Grizzly Braunbär 1982 1988
14010 Camel Kamel 1982 1988

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