Panther chameleon

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phylum Chordata The panther chameleon is a species of chameleon found in the eastern and northern parts of Madagascar in a tropical forest biome. Additionally, it has been introduced to Réunion and Mauritius.

Male panther chameleons can grow up to 20 inches in length, with a typical length of around 17 in (45 cm). Females are smaller, at about half the size. In a form of sexual dimorphism, males are more vibrantly colored than the females. Coloration varies with location, and the different color patterns of panther chameleons are commonly referred to as 'locales', which are named after the geographical location in which they are found.

For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry.

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clade Diapsida
order Squamata
suborder Iguania
family Chamaeleonidae
genus Furcifer
species F. pardalis