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phylum Chordata Mammalodon is an extinct genus of archaic baleen whale belonging to the family Mammalodontidae. Mammalodon was, at first, considered to be a member of Archaeoceti, an ancient group of whales, which was evidenced by its apparent ancient features, such as the variety of differently shaped teeth in its jaw (heterodonty) that modern whales lack. Mammalodon was first considered to be a baleen whale in a 1982 study despite having no baleen; instead, they cited other similarities such as loosely sutured bones in the snout, a broad and flat roof of the mouth, and an unjointed mandibular symphysis between the two halves of the jawbone.

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class Mammalia
infraclass Eutheria
order Cetacea
suborder Mysticeti
family †Mammalodontidae
genus †Mammalodon