Long-finned pilot whale

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phylum Chordata Despite its common name, the long-finned pilot whale is actually a large species of dolphin. The same is true of orcas and several other small whales. It has a bulbous forehead and is black or dark grey in colour with light grey or white markings on the throat and belly regions. Some individuals have other distinct markings such as a light coloured area behind dorsal fin, known as a saddle patch, as well as an upwards sweeping stripe just behind the eye. The dorsal fin is thick and falcate in nature, and is located about a third of the way down the length of the animal.

For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry.

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class Mammalia
infraclass Eutheria
order Cetacea
suborder Odontoceti
family Delphinidae
genus Globicephala
species G. melas