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phylum Chordata Leptoceratops is a genus of primitive ceratopsian dinosaurs from the late Cretaceous Period of what is now Western North America, at the same time as their giant relatives of the genus Triceratops. Their skulls have been found in Alberta, Canada and in Wyoming. They could probably stand and run on their hind legs. Analysis of forelimb function indicates that even though they couldn't pronate their hands, they could also walk on four legs. Leptoceratops was around 2 metres (6.6 ft) long and could have weighed anywhere between 68 to 200 kilograms (150 to 440 lb).

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clade Sauropsida
clade Diapsida
order Ornithischia
family Leptoceratopsidae
genus Leptoceratops
species L. gracilis
Temporal range Late Creatceous Maastrichtian