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Johillco was a British maker of toy soldiers and other hollowcast lead figures begun in 1898 by a former Britains employee Mr F. H Wood. They are also known as John Hill & Company, J. Hill. or Jo Hill in lead figure markings. In 1956 they converted to plastic with those figures being marked Hillco. They went out of business in the 1960s. They produced both farm and wild animals. Item numbers included here are from O'Briens Foreign Toy Soldiers.

Lead Farm Series

Item Number Animal Item Number Animal Item Number Animal Item Number Animal
246K Pigeon 290 Sheep Walking 373 Squirrel Sitting 500E Sheep Eating
246O Pig 307 Milk Cow 387 Pig Running 500F Bull
246P Piglet 308 Cow Eating 390 Golden Eagle 500G Swan
254D Bulldog 309 Horse Eating 391 Collie 500H Farm frog
264 Steer 310 Cart Horse 394 Songbird 500N Goat
276 Large Rabbit 311 Colt 395 Fox Terrier 500P Pig Sitting
277 Small Rabbit 312 Lamb 396 Farm Cat 500Q Donkey
279 Swimming Duck 313 Calf 397 Fox and Duck 500R Mule
280 Walking Duck 332 Pig Sleeping 402 Sheep Lying 500S Horse Standing
281 Duckling 342 Horse for Shoeing 407 Fox Running 500T Gander
282 Rooster 343 Owl 425 Hare 500U Goose
283 Hen Eating 344 Crow 500A Shire Horse 500V Black Swan
284 Chicks Walking 346 Horse Lying 500B Cow Lying
285 Chicks Running 347 Colt Lying 500C Calf Lying
286 Hen Sitting 372 Shepherd's Dog Lying 500D Calf Standing

Lead Zoo Series

Item Number Animal Item Number Animal Item Number Animal
? Ostrich 600O Giraffe 601B Brown Bear Sitting
600A Lion 600P Brown Bear 601C Stag
600B Tiger 600Q Asian Elephant 601D Kangaroo
600C Chimpanzee 600R Camel 601E Kangaroo Baby
600D Bison 600S Alligator 601F Gander
600E Seal 600T Leopard 601G Goose
600F Small Frog 600U Hippopotamus 601H Otter
600G Large Frog 600V Polar Bear Cub 601J Walrus
600H Tortoise 600V Brown Bear Cub 601K Flamingo
600I Squirrel 600W Penguin 601L Lizard
600J Rat Lying 600X Rhinoceros 601M Stork
600K Rat Sitting 600Y Pelican 601N Swan Black
600L Rabbit Sitting 600Z Camel Kneeling 601P Panda Sitting
600M Eagle 601A Giant Tortoise 601Q Panda Lying
600N Polar Bear 601B Polar Bear Sitting 601R Panda Sitting with Chair

Other Lead Figures

Item Number Animal
135M Station Masters Dog
135N Station Masters Cat

Hillco plastic Zoo series


Wikipedia Page