Javan surili

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phylum Chordata The Javan surili is a vulnerable species of Old World monkey endemic to the western half of Java, Indonesia, a biodiversity hotspot. Other common names by which it is known by include gray, grizzled or Sunda Island surili; grizzled or stripe-crested langur; Javan grizzled langur; grizzled, Java or Javan leaf monkey; langur gris.

This species is currently listed on the IUCN red list of vulnerable species because of habitat loss due to human activity. It is estimated that fewer than 1,000 exist today in their natural habitat and only 4% of their natural habitat remains.

For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry.

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class Mammalia
infraclass Eutheria
order Primates
family Cercopithecidae
species Presbytis comata