Japanese yellow hornet

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phylum Arthropoda The Japanese yellow hornet is a common hornet species in the Eastern Hemisphere. The typical mainland color form (Japanese:ケブカスズメバチ, Korean: 털보말벌, "hairy wasp") is darker and hairier than the yellow form; it lives in Hokkaido, the Korean Peninsula, Eastern Siberia and China, but is less common in Japan, where the yellow color form predominates. It should not be confused with the Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia), which has a color form sometimes referred to as the "Japanese giant hornet".

Due to the large size of the swarm and aggressiveness of the yellow hornet, predation against them is rare. However, along with other insects in Japan and Korea, they are prey to the Asian giant hornet and nests have been known to be deserted after Asian giant hornet attacks, even though they attack in groups of only 10 to 30.

For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry.

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Class Insecta
order Hymenoptera
Suborder Apocrita
family Vespidae
genus Vespa
species V. simillima