Iriomote cat

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phylum Chordata The Iriomote cat is a subspecies of the leopard cat that lives exclusively on the Japanese island of Iriomote. The fur of the Iriomote cat is mostly dark gray and light brown, with lighter hair on the belly and insides of the limbs. Hair along the jaw is white.[5] There are two dark brown spots on each cheek. There are 5–7 stripes spanning from the forehead to the back of the head, but, unlike the leopard cat, the stripes stop before reaching the shoulders. It lives predominantly in the subtropical forests that cover the island up to an elevation of 200 m (660 ft). It prefers areas near rivers, forest edges, and places with low humidity.

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class Mammalia
infraclass Eutheria
order Carnivora
suborder Feliformia
family Felidae
genus Prionailurus
species P. bengalensis
subspecies P. b. iriomotensis