Hourglass dolphin

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phylum Chordata The hourglass dolphin is a small dolphin in the family Delphinidae that inhabits Antarctic and subantarctic waters.

The dolphin has rarely been seen. It was identified as a new species by Qouy and Galmard in 1824 from a drawing made in the South Pacific in 1820. It is the only cetacean to have been widely accepted as a species solely on witness accounts. By 1960, despite decades of whaling in the Southern Ocean, only three specimens had been recovered. As of 2010 only 6 complete and 14 partial specimens had been examined. Further information was obtained from 4 strandings and boats which searched for the dolphins in areas rarely visited by ships.

For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry.

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class Mammalia
infraclass Eutheria
order Cetacea
suborder Odontoceti
family Delphinidae
genus Lagenorhynchus
species L. cruciger