Galapagos tortoise

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phylum Chordata The Galápagos tortoise or Galápagos giant tortoise is the largest living species of tortoise and 13th-heaviest living reptile, reaching weights of over 400 kg (880 lb) and lengths of over 1.8 meters (5.9 ft). A captive individual lived at least 170 years.The tortoise is native to seven of the Galápagos Islands, a volcanic archipelago about 1,000 km (620 mi) west of the Ecuadorian mainland. All subspecies of Galápagos tortoise evolved from common ancestors that arrived from mainland South America by overwater dispersal. The minimal founding population was a pregnant female or a breeding pair.

For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry.

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clade Anapsida
order Testudines
suborder Cryptodira
family Testudinidae
genus Chelonoidis
species C. nigra

Pinta Island tortoise

phylum Chordata The Pinta Island tortoise was a subspecies of Galápagos tortoise native to Ecuador's Pinta Island. By the mid-20th century, it was assumed that the subspecies was extinct until a single male was discovered on the island in 1971. Efforts were made to mate the male, named Lonesome George, with other subspecies, but no viable eggs were produced. Lonesome George died on 24 June 2012 and the subspecies was believed to have become extinct with the death of Lonesome George. However, 17 first-generation hybrids have been found at Wolf Volcano on Isabela Island during a recent trip by Yale University researchers. As these specimens are juveniles, their parents may still be alive.

For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry.

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clade Anapsida
order Testudines
suborder Cryptodira
family Testudinidae
genus Chelonoidis
species C. nigra abingdonii