Florida softshell turtle

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phylum Chordata The Florida softshell turtle (Apalone ferox) is a species of softshell turtle native to the Southeastern United States. The Florida softshell turtle typically has a dark brown to olive green, leathery carapace with a white or cream-colored underside, which visually conceals young turtles from potential predators. It has a long neck and an elongated head with a long snorkel-like nose. It is the largest softshell turtle in North America and one of the largest freshwater turtles there, as well (only the alligator snapping turtle averages considerably larger), reaching about 15 to 76 cm (5.9 to 29.9 in) in length.

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clade Anapsida
order Testudines
family Trionychidae
genus Apalone
species A. ferox