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phylum Chordata Centrosaurus is a genus of herbivorous ceratopsian dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of Canada. Their remains have been found in the Dinosaur Park Formation, dating from 76.5 to 75.5 million years ago

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clade Sauropsida
clade Diapsida
order Ornithischia
family Ceratopsidae
genus Centrosaurus
species C. apertus
Temporal range Late Cretaceous


Monoclonius is a dubious genus of herbivorous ceratopsian dinosaurs found in the Late Cretaceous layers of the Judith River Formation in Montana. Monoclonius was named by Edward Drinker Cope in 1876. Later, much taxonomic confusion was caused by the discovery of Centrosaurus, a very similar genus of ceratopsian, that is known from much better remains. Today, most Monoclonius specimens are usually believed to be juvenile or subadult Centrosaurus, and most supposedly adult specimens of Monoclonius, which formed the basis for its appearance in popular sources throughout the 20th century, have been re-interpreted as Centrosaurus as well. Therefore, most Monoclonius figures are actually based on Centrosaurus, and Monoclonius proper is now usually considered a nomen dubium. For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry.