Castor bean tick

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phylum Arthropoda The castor bean tick, or sheep tick, Ixodes ricinus, is a chiefly European hard-bodied tick. Adults are about 2.8 millimeters (0.11 in.) long, and 4 times that when engorged with a blood meal. The female has a black dorsal shield that conjures up the appearance of the female deer tick, or blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis, found in the United States. They can transmit both bacterial and viral pathogens such as the causative agents of Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis. The castor bean tick ranges across Europe, north to Iceland, and east to Russia, and neighboring parts of North Africa and the middle East.

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class Arachnida
order Ixodida
family Ixodidae
genus Ixodes
species I. ricinus