Antimena chameleon

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phylum Chordata Furcifer antimena, also known as the Antimena chameleon, is a species of chameleon that is endemic to southwest Madagascar. It was initially described by French naturalist Alfred Grandidier in 1872. antimena males have a dorsal crest formed of about thirty cone-shaped scales, each of which is between 3 and 6 millimetres (0.12 and 0.24 inches) in length. The males are green with yellow and/or whitish stripes, and females are fully dark green. Males can grow to a maximum length of 34 centimetres (13 inches), and females to 17 centimetres (6.7 inches). There is a projection on the tip of the snout which is larger in males than in females.

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clade Diapsida
order Squamata
suborder Iguania
family Chamaeleonidae
genus Furcifer
species F. antimena