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Catfishes are a diverse group of ray-finned fish. Named for their prominent barbels, which resemble a cat's whiskers, catfish range in size and behavior from the heaviest and longest, the Mekong giant catfish from Southeast Asia and the second longest, the wels catfish of Eurasia, to detritivores (species that eat dead material on the bottom), and even to a tiny parasitic species commonly called the candiru, Vandellia cirrhosa. Catfish are nocturnal.

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Amur catfish Blue catfish Black bullhead Brown bullhead
Channel catfish Eel-tailed catfish Flathead catfish Giant devil catfish
Giant Lake Biwa catfish Mekong giant catfish Reddish bullhead Redtail catfish
Rhamdiopsis Royal plec Sailfin catfish Striped eel catfish
Welsh catfish White bullhead